Saturday, January 1, 2011

reminiscent of 2010

hiya, people! wow~ 2011 is finally arrived. i thought when i was still in 2010, time moved slower but i guess, with a blink of eyes, i got through SPM and my senior days and 2010. *kinda sad now, haha. so, let's recall my memories as the senior in my school, the eldest in my family, a friend to my dirty eyed girls and OFC, time as i being a human. 

- i fought my my friend because of Lee Joon MBLAQ. *i kinda regret our stupidness during that time.

- G and i got scolded by our BM and Chem teachers. T^T *those memories are pure humiliation.

- i got highest in English, 90, which is A+! *i hope i get the same result in SPM. crossed my finger.

- i failed in Add Math in every exam i took. *i wish for a Pass in SPM! 

- i ate Nasi Lemak in class, 5 Sc 2, during recess and listened to music during class. *that some rules i had broken. haha :)

well, i don't remember the rest but 2010 will leave a mark in my heart because of my talkative, loudest dirty eyed girls, *my friend, i mean, and till then, G, R, J and Appa, and Tata, you guys always be my best bitches friend ever :)

p/s: my family, Abah, Emak, Is, Iwan and Nadia, well, i love you guys. i may be not saying this aloud but i mean it :) may this year be our good, fruitful year ever.