Well I think, this particular quote is something that is quite contradicted with ourselves.
It's just a mere quote. Nothing else than that.
I think people judge. All the time. It's something you cannot understand. It happens without our consent. It happens under our awareness. It happens in our everyday life; we judge which one is better to eat - Nasi u-Cafe or Nasi Tesco - we judge when we meet someone - What she's wearing and What she thinks she's wearing - we judge when we talk to someone - Is that what I just heard or I think I heard what I just heard.
You're maybe judging me right now. You'd probably say - What she's talking about or Oh yes... She got a point there.
I always think that first impression is a music note to us - you hit the wrong note, you miss one point - but then, people keep saying that you don't know me yet so don't judge me. It's a waste, darling. By the time you say that to someone, that person is already judging you.
Thus, knowing that people will judge you no matter what you do, you will make something to cover up you true self - a persona. Your other self.
A mannequin.
It is a truth. Every one of us has a mannequin - or more mannequins? - and this mannequin is controlled by your true self - the puppeteer. The puppeteer controls the strings attached to your look-alike or What-people-want-to-see mannequin. We live in a world where everyone is lying to protect someone, where some people are stealing to save a family. We live in this world where all people are mannequins. We won't show our true self except it gives us benefits or we are just too tired to pretend.
The only question is, how far you will be a mannequin?
Truth to be told, I like watching people. Well, without them knowing of course. I do this with people around me but mostly are my fellows. It's just, when I watch people - when they are alone and seem to be in deep thinking - I will start to ponder and wonder. Not about the lame queries - What are they thinking now or What are they feeling now. I will ponder about this particular question:
Which one is you right now; the mannequin or the puppeteer?