hello. today is tuesday and i got many not-so-important-tales to tell you. first is what i did in school for today. well, i was contemplating whether i should go to the last-year camp at my school on this friday. this year is my last year in SMK-Meru-yang-ku-cintai but i'm not planning to kill my time for 3 days in school. *it's 2 and half days actually. it will cost me dearly. *urggh, i wanna watch toy story 3!
i really don't know what should i do. umm, never mind. the second tale is, i just borrow alice and wonderland novel from my school library. actually, i love alice in wonderland. i love the movie by tim burton and i bought the dvd for rm 59.90. *it's expensive bcoz i bought it early and ori. i don't whine or regret, though.
i watched that movie for 4 times if i'm not mistaken. *umm, maybe 5? my family like that story too. even though alice was little too pale but i like her dresses in that movie. *especially the red one at the red queen castle. the hatter was funny! johnny deep really enjoying that character! the way he spoke and acted, he looked like a mad-hatter-who-can-dances-futterwacken. *haha. i love the dance! the red queen's head was so-utterly-totally-absolutely-purely massive! she looked an alien to me. and she was so evil! man, i love helena bonham carter. *do you know she also played bellatrix in harry potter series?
but the most lovable character in that movie was chessur. *or cheshire? i'm not sure. forgive me if i'm wrong. i love his ear-to-ear smile. his big-blue eyes. his blue-strips fur. his way-of-manner. his super-ability-of-flying and disappearing. i love everything about him! i think he looked cuter than pussy cat in shrek series.*sorry, i don't know his name. just call him, pussy cat. chessur was cuter and funnier than him. moreover, he was blue.*wink

ain't he looks cute to you? *wakaka
p/s: watch this movie okay? :)