- on monday we had the most fearful paper on earth ; Add Math. *i know you know. well, my comment to this paper is totally-utterly-absolutely dreadful. since form 4, i've been in these ordeals. *and i never pass this damn paper. Paper 1 was horrifying! Paper 2 was beyond horrifying! *urghhh!!! i really wanna drop this subject but i can't. when this gonna end? *ihy exam!
- on tuesday if i remembered, we had Biology and Physics. *yup, we had both of them. thank God paper Biology was in objective form. *my life is thankful for it. since this paper was in objective, i didn't have any difficulty in doing it. while for Physics, i sure did. we had four questions to be answered and i couldn't do it at all. i did what i think i could but... *hmm, i don't wanna talk about it laa.
- the moment of truth! the last day of exam and we had two more papers left which were Chemistry and EST. Chemistry, even though it's in objective paper, i had a lot of moments when i wanna go outside and jump from the third floor. *i feel like crying. huhu. it was deadly ya know? if someone could die because of it, it will be me. EST much easier than Chemistry but yes, i need to double up my result.
those are the painful lesson to me; never underestimate those papers. they all hard but if only i read, i think i could do well. *if only...
p/s : SPM is coming and i don't prepare for it. *haihh :(