Friday, July 23, 2010

one week of fiasco

have i mentioned how much i hate examination? have i mentioned how afraid i am when having examination? have i told you all about my last examination? *grr, i hate them so greatly! well, i supposed i have to write my examination's week which was starting from last monday until friday. and we'll continue this ordeal for the next three days. *man, i'm tired.


  • we got Bahasa Melayu both paper 1 and 2. paper 1 wasn't easy but i managed it. the essay was horrid, i say. my weakness when writing an essay is when i lost from the main track. hmm, i did that, for sure. paper 2 wasn't that bad. it was bad. that's all. *i need to forget the painful moments :(

  • this day was when we had my favourite paper in the world! *act, i love them more than any papers in exam. English paper! *yippie! i think i did good in paper 1. but i think the government should give us more time than one hour and half when writing essays. paper 2 was fine. only fine. ;)

  • i always thought Mathematics is easy. but when i realized how easy it was, i just can't do it. paper 1 was objective so i presume i did okay. paper 2 was worst, i let so many blank than answers and i worried if my name will be called again like before. *oppss, i don't wanna talk about it. :(

  • welcome to my history of the History paper! *nyehh. one thing about me, i have hard times when it comes to memorize facts. and too bad History paper required more than creativity and imagination to do good in it. paper 1 was going well. paper 2 was okay. *thank God i remembered some of them! :)

  • today we all having Pendidikan Agama Islam paper. *PI in shortcut. we all received what's in, in this exam but mostly was hard to memorize. i forgot the last name of Mizar Ghulam Ahmad. *f***ing horrible! i tried hard to remember him, ya know? *hmph. but both papers were not that bad. :(
wow, looks like i had a really hard time to do all that. man, i wonder when this gonna end? although i'm more afraid of SPM, the main fact how much i hate examination never going to change. :D

p/s : addmath, biology, chemistry and est are gonna come next week. the hell is coming!