Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Hello peeps. Now, as I promised before, I'll write the reviews about movies I have watched before. These reviews will be posted in separate posts so as for now, I'll be writing a review about 'Big Fish' by Tim Burton. Here it goes :)

"A man tells his stories that he becomes the stories. They live on after him, and in that way he becomes immortal" 

Will Bloom, Big Fish

Storyline: Will Bloom was a man who had lived and grown with his father's, Ed Bloom, life stories.  His father tend to exaggerated his stories and this had made Will Bloom to detest his own father. After an argument which led to their separation, Will Bloom came back to his father, who unfortunately, dying. As he stepped again to his father's life, he was reminded about his father's stories which unexpectedly, had changed his personal view to his father.

What's in: 1) Family-themed movie. To be quite honest, I was quite skeptical about this movie as it came from Tim Burton - the man who is popular from 'The Nightmare Before Christmas', 'Edward Scissorhand' and recently, 'Alice In Wonderland'. As the movie-geek, I enjoyed his other movies and when watching this movie, I was expecting a weird, quirky movie with dark humor. However, I was wrong. This movie shown me a new side of Tim Burton as it was different in his other movie but it was peculiar as usual. You can watch this movie with your family as it promotes the deep relationship between Will and his father. 2) Symbolism. This movie has a few symbolism in it. For example, the title itself. When we're reading 'Big Fish' without watching the movie, you can assume it tells a story about a big, huge and gigantic fish. But when you know the story, you will assume it was a fish which Will's father kept talking about - the big fish in a lake. However, I looked this as something else. 'Big Fish' in here also symbolizes his father. When we saw a big fish and it was uncatchable, we will talk about it. Then it will become an urban legend; a story. Therefore, when Will's father died, he himself was the story - a big fish. It represents a person who told stories and died within it. He was lovable, really. It is not because he was telling tall tales, but he enjoyed his life by telling the others about it. 3) Smiling and pondering moments. Some movie passed by without any moments which made us smiling and pondering about it but this movie has both. His father's stories about how he met his wife was so sweet, I have to admit. It wasn't romantic with roses and chocolates but it was honest. I was smiling from the beginning until the end, that alone had made this movie a must-see-movie.

What's out: 1) Slow-paced movie. 'Big Fish' promised so much but to those who are patient. It starts slowly, with a flashback of one of Ed Bloom's stories and it continues. The stories were not logical, if you think about it thoroughly. Besides, the stories gave us the perspectives about the lead characters and it took a lot of time. 2) Low hotness. The main characters were not young and handsome as 'Twilight' or 'High School Musical'. As much I like Ewan McGregor in 'The Island', in this movie he had a very quirky accent - I believe it's Southern accent, I don't know. And he looked old even he said he was 18. If you're looking a prince charming to guide you, sorry to say, he's not in this movie. This movie was set to be fantastical but with realistic people.

Moral value: I like this particular section because I love watching movies that have something to teach us and this movie has a few. Nonetheless, I'll mention my favourite moral value and in this movie, it is be optimistic. Ed Bloom had been through with so many ordeals; lost in jungle, attacked by trees (I know, I know), worked in a circus, punched by a friend, Vietnam war but those didn't hold him from going forward. Even though in some point he had faced his biggest ordeal, he didn't back down. He was optimistic. He wasn't a clever man, he did not even study in university but he was a wise man by experiences. He was optimist even when he was dying because you see, he said, "This is not how I go." He knew he wouldn't live longer but he knew that if he's still breathing, he's still alive. So peeps, be optimist. Even when the hardest ordeal comes forth, know that you're not alone. Ed Bloom knew this - he had a family.

Ratings: I would give 8.5 out 10. This movie is pure; it was written with such gentleness and knowledge. You will be smiling when watching this movie, I assured you. You see, I just know :)