Wednesday, December 15, 2010

the last day of ordeal

yayyy~~!! today is the last day of...opss, did i write ORDEAL? okayyy, it's SPM. LOL :) well today i have EST and it was...

okay. i mean, just okay. it wasn't that hard but it wasn't easy either. Paper 1 i got essay and maybe i was a bit off from the track. *great, huh? but i guess i won't be so devastated if i don't get A, *ohhh maybe i will, in EST compared to English. if i got less than A in English, i'd be... seriously, i will be crying clown for the rest of my life. *just pray i won't ok? Paper 2 was manageable. yeahhhh.

p/s: i wanna get a job - in MPH. hihi XD