Thursday, June 14, 2012


The second review is about 'Prometheus' by Ridley Scott which I have watched a few hours ago. I didn't know much about this movie and how it associated with 'Alien' but I'll only state what I've seen based on 'Prometheus' movie only. This means I have no intention to consult or compare it to 'Alien', another movie which also directed by Ridley Scott. Anyway, let's start the expedition!

"Why did you create me?" 
David 8, Prometheus

Storyline: On 2089, a pair of archaeologists found a hidden, star map in the few tablets taken from different civilizations. Then on 2093, they were on a huge spaceship, Prometheus, in a way to the planet they star map shown to. They landed on the planet to search about the Creator or Engineer of humankind as the two archaeologists believed that humankind was started from them. Along with them were a few scientists, including a robot named David, they tried to search the answer for the question; who created us?

What's in: 1) Science-fiction movie. I love science-fiction movies. I love them since I was a child and Steven Spielberg's works inspired me. On saying this, I have never watched 'E.T' so spare me the questions. However, there are Steven Spielberg's movies which I did enjoy (and still do!) such as 'A.I : Artificial Intelligence', 'Minority Report' and 'War of The Worlds'. Therefore, when I was watching 'Prometheus', my eyes were completely fixed on the screen. 'Prometheus' is a very fascinating sci-fi movie since it emphasized aliens, new planet and spaceship, these made the movie more compelling. The settings and the idea of discovering our beginning is intriguing. This is what sci-fi is all about - unbound imaginations. 2) Mesmerizing graphic. 'Prometheus' will give you an amazing ride in space. The graphic was detailed, you can see how well the settings were made and they didn't look fake or computerized. You will have 'wow' moments when watching this movie. Moreover, the makeup artists have done a very good job when creating the aliens. They look believable and scary in the same time. 3) Great acting casts. I have to admit, Michael Fassbender as David 8 was suitable. He played David so well that I actually thought he was a robot without any feelings except mere curiousity. The way he walked and behaved, he never failed to be David in the movie. Noomi Rapace as Elizabeth Shaw, one of the archaeologists also succeeded in portraying her character. In one scene where she tried to operate herself (very intense scene) she looked so in painful that I just wanted to be there and carry her home. Charlize Theron as Meredith Vickers and Idris Elba as Janek were also good choices. 4) Symbolism. 'Prometheus' name was taken from Greek mythology. Prometheus is a Titan who gives humankind fire and create them from clay. As the punishment, he was bound to rock and on everyday, an eagle will come to eat on his liver. Then the liver will grow back again and will be left to be eaten by the eagle. You see the symbolism here? 'Prometheus' was a spaceship carried passengers (resembles the liver) in him. Then it went to a strange planet, where the creatures (resembles the eagle) killed them. Then again, after Prometheus, human is clever and curious creature. They will come again to the planet, trying to search the human beginning (the liver grows back again). I would like to say more but I might bore you so I hope you understand what I am trying to say.

What's out: 1) Science-fiction movie. Yes, this movie is a science-fiction movie and I love it but some people won't like this type of movies. They generally stereotyped this movie without watching it first and wouldn't try to understand the symbolism in 'Prometheus'. 2) Missing answers for lots of questions. Why did the human-looking creature went to the Earth and created life? Why did they stop wanting us? How they are created? Who are they? Why they want to kill humankind? If we're really a piece of alien's DNA, what are we? There are many question left unanswered. In the end, there was a hint of another sequel but what else? I know Ridley Scott is a really wise man to come up with this shocking theory but what happened next? Does he know where the Engineers live? Can he show us the place? And the main question; from 'Prometheus', alien was created with the combination of a squid-looking creature and the human-looking creature, then how it breeds? We probably can know the answers in the next sequel, who knows? 3) Lack of characters' developments. David was a robot but he looked much alive and 'humane' compared to the real humans. Elizabeth showed her true feelings as human but it was because she was the main heroine. And yet, the other characters were displayed there as the passengers not as the contributors to the storyline.

Moral value: We need to be accepting. Yes, that is the moral value I chose. This whole idea, the concept of riding in the huge spaceship to an unknown planet to search about human beginning was too irrational, in my point of view. I won't touch religion side here so I will make it general. We can easily accept that God creates us; that is our beliefs. But the scientists believed otherwise. They wanted a real, authentic proof. They wanted answers. As much as my curiosity was piqued by these questions, I decided to follow my belief. I decided to accept. But they didn't. This issue can be seen in our real life. People tend to ask questions about why someone's died, why I was born like this, why this and why that - why they cannot learn to accept? So 'Prometheus' actually gave you the most valuable moral value - accepting what you believed on. Because when you didn't, you end up like them.

Ratings: I have to give this movie 8.5 out of 10. This movie has a great graphic, extraordinary makeup, a very creative spaceship and clothes' designs but it lacks the characters' developments and the answers. I have watched many movies ended unexpectedly but this movie ended with so many questions left unanswered. However, this movie is watchable and I highly recommend you all to watch it. It was awesome for those who are into visual but as for me, it can be more.